Tag Archives: strength

Hidden strength inside the soul

Today I was standing on my deck counting stars in the dark night. A mild sound of the wind chime was piercing the silence of the night along with many crickets. The moon was lost somewhere today. Didn’t Find it. It reminded me of one night in Grand Teton National park in Jackson Hole. It was the darkest night I have ever seen with bright stars shining. the whole sky was filled with many may many stars. I haven’t seen so many stars in my whole life in one sky. It was a moment when you want to dive inside your inner soul and find new strength , new motivation.

It was a similar night.  It was a night for day dreaming for the future. An imagination to start a brand new vibrant cycle. Often times people seek help of God, doctors, friends, books, movies to elevate themselves. But truly the power lies within you. You are the one who knows about you the most. You are the one who knows about your strength, weakness, liking, hatred, passion, confusion.

I strongly feel that when you need to empower yourself you need to look within your soul. It’s right there for you. your inner strength has no bounds. It will guide you to the right path when you need to be lead by someone.

Ask your heart, your brain, your soul. You will know what is right for you. No one in this world can be a better friend to you than yourself.